Peppa Pig's Muddy Puddles Week
Save the Children’s annual Muddy Puddle Walk fundraising campaign with Peppa Pig is getting a makeover this year, with the charity calling on wellington wearers everywhere to don their boots and continue the tradition from the safety of their own homes.

This year’s Muddy Puddles Week takes place on the 11th - 17th of May, when nursery school‐goers and families are being encouraged to take advantage of brand new resources featuring Peppa Pig, available online, to re‐create their own Muddy Puddle magic and raise valuable funds for Save the Children’s vital work supporting vulnerable children across the UK and around the world.
There are plenty of games and challenges available for families and children to make use of online, like The Peppa Pig Mud Sensory Tray which is all about mud glorious mud, The Peppa Pig Mud Welly Footprints for some more muddy fun and The Muddy Puddle Party Pack which is filled with printable Peppa Pig bunting, party hats and a delicious muddy chocolate cake recipe, plus plenty of videos featuring Peppa Pig‐themed crafting and play ideas.
Videos and resources will be available to watch or download on the Muddy Puddles Week website - - and Save the Children is hoping that families will still donate to take part, by giving what they can online or by texting MUD to 70008 to donate £5 or texting PEPPA to 70008 to donate £10. The money raised from Muddy Puddles Week will help Save the Children make sure that children in the UK and around the world can survive, learn and thrive - whatever their circumstances.
To celebrate Muddy Puddles Week, 20% from all Peppa Pig products sold on the official Peppa Pig Online Shop will be donated to Save the Children’s Covid-19 appeal. This includes a fantastic selection of personalised products and a range of Stay at Home products perfect for little ones to enjoy at home.